Monday 13 May 2013

ofcom & ASA

Ofcom is the UKs Regulator for the UKs communication industries, it is independent from the government and any other organization. they regulate industries such as TV, radio and phone industries.
 they regulate the companies in thes industries to make sure that they arte doing what they should and they make sure that there is competition in these industries and that not just one company controls the whole industry, another thing that ofcom does is control the frequencies for which wireless devices operate over.

they make sure that people are protected from harmful an offensive material. they also make sure that people are represented fairly and that their privacy is protected

setup by the government with the communications act 2003

The ASA also known as the Advertising Standards authority are an organization which regulate the advertisents to make sure that they are not harmful or offensive and also misleading

they regulate advertisements on TV online and on the radio and in print media such as magazines and newspapers

 they also deal with complaints about people and organizations

they are different from ofcom as they do not have the power to ban anything. they can only advise you to change something

The VLV also known as the Voice of the Listener and Viewer is an organization that aims to represent the citizens of the UK to give their views on what happens in radio and TV viewing

Some of their current aims are To safeguard the independence of the bbc and the quality and range of its programmes and services. they also monitor the work of the relevant governing bodies to make sure they function in the viewers interests.

also they monitor the growth of cable satellite and subscription services. they dont directly hsve control of any thing and do not have any power to change any thing.


The BFI is the British Film Institute it was founded  in 1933 they own the bbfc who are in charge of the age classifications for films

Monday 15 April 2013

legal and ethical consideration

Representation is how something is portrayed by other people and the media in certain way to make them seem a certain way. This can effect the person either negatively or positively. an example of this is  Stirling Moss'es comments saying that women lack the mental capacity to compete in top level Motorsport these comments represent women as being unable to compete in Motorsport and that men are more intelligent and have a higher mental capacity than women.

Ofcom legal and ethical rules for gender representation.

the Ofcom broadcasting code states in section 2.1 that broadcasters must make sure that the audiences are adequately from harmful or offensive, this includes content that includes things such as racism and sexism. in section in section 2.3 the code states that harmful and offensive material may be used when the context of its use is justified. material covered by this  may include things such as offensive language, violence, sex, sexual violence, humiliation, distress, violation of human dignity, discriminatory treatment or language (for example on the grounds of age, disability, gender, race, religion, beliefs and sexual orientation) if any content containing any of this is used the context it is used in must be justified. also appropriate information should be included to minimise any offence or harm caused to audiences

Race Relations Act 

The race relations acts purpose is to protect people from being discriminated against because of their race and ethnic backgrounds. This means that media organizations cannot publish or broadcast material that can be deemed offensive to ethnic or racial groups. This means that a TV broadcaster such as the BBC cannot produce a program representing people of a certain ethnic background as weaker than another.

below is a link to an article in the telegraph that talks about a jewish school breaking the race relations act by not allowing a pupil to start at the school because their mother was not "officially jewish" this is because she was not originally jewish but converted to being jewish.

this act only applies to foreign ethnic cultures and diversities and does not apply to british backgrounds.

Obscene Publications act

The Obscene Publications acts makes it an offense to publish obscene material that Corrupts likely readers of the publication. this means that material cannot be published that contains acts such as beastiality, rape and pornography. also this means you can't intentionally produce such content.

There is  a way to show such content in the media this is by displaying it after the watershed which is a period between 9pm and 5:30am where adult content is allowed to be shown you are not able to show adult content before the watershed as it is not suitable for children. The watershed applies to television but not radio which means that radio stations are not covered by this.

 the Representation of People act

this act is an act of parliament that means that no single political party can be represented in the media more than another and they must represent each party equally and not show one party more than another. this means that a broadcaster cannot be biased towards a particular political party. it is guidelines about how much time is given to each party and how they use it

Public order act
 the public order acts purpose is about controlling violent and offensive material. this is to prevent the broadcast of material that can offend or harm ethical and national group. this means that it protects british people form offensive material being broadcast. this covers acts such as violence, abuse, discrimination, sex, drugs and offensive language.

Sexual discrimination act

the sexual discrimination act is to prevent people from being discriminated against because of their gender this means that you cannot reject a job applicant because they are a woman.

broadcasting act

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Production diary

Today we film our first advert in the morning and before lunch we decided that we would scrap that idea and go with one of our others this required a green screen so we used the portable green screen in the atrium as it was the only area that was avaliable when we were able to film. we managed to get the shots done but we need to reshoot these on thursday

Monday 4 March 2013

C1 Understanding the creative media industry structure

Industry Sectors

TV Production company
This company contributes to the media sector by planning and producing television shows for people to watch they then sell the rights to the show to television channels such as ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5 etc. They own their own studios and are responsible for producing the graphics, editing/post production, production and pre production. 
The example above Endemol produces shows such as, Big Brother for Channel 5, Deal or No Deal  for Channel 4 and Total Wipeout  for the BBC.

Radio Production company

a Radio production company is responsible for creating and producing radio shows to be broadcast on different radio stations they are in charge of the pre production, production and post production of the shows .
the example above Just Radio produces one off  shows such as Musical Deletions on BBC Radio 4 which is scheduled to be broadcast on the 30th march 2013.

Advertising Company
Advertising companies produce marketing and advertising for companies by producing adverts to go on  TV commercial breaks. They are responsible for producing the branding and the marketing campaign for companies along with selling it to be shown in advertising spaces in things like magazines, websites and TV Commercial breaks. 
The company Fitch in the example above has produced Branding for the Launch of the former Virgin (Now Marussia) Formula 1 team  they produced the logo colour palette, typography and graphic devices for the team in co-ordination  with the teams in house advertising team. They have also done work for McLaren Automotive Division of the McLaren Group and in the past worked on the communications for the BAR Honda Formula 1 Team (now Mercedes AMG)

Magazine publisher
Magazine publishers produce magazines by planning them, designing graphics for them and then printing them.
Dennis the example above produces magazines such as Auto Express, MacUser, PC Pro and Health and Fitness. 


Public service broadcaster 

A public service broadcaster is a company that has a duty to be unbiased and it has to produces programs for the general public not just a specific group of people, they are funded not by adverts but by the public with a TV license. this means that any programming is to meet the demands of the public not shareholders this is because they are meant to serve the public
An example is the BBC who are the only public service broadcaster in britain they are funded by the public through the TV license which is a yearly fee that people pay


A Conglomerate is a company made up of many different companies an example is ITV plc which is made up of many different companies such as, Carlton, Granada TV, Tyne Tees, Anglia Television and yorkshire television. these are just a few of the companies that ITV is made of as it consists of many companies.

Multi national

a multinational company is a company that has a worldwide presence an a example is Sky which broadcasts around the world with BskyB in the UK, Sky Italia in Italy and Sky Deutschland in Germany. These broadcast channels such as the Sky Sports channels which broadcasts sports such as football and Formula 1 (Uk and Germany) in countries where they have the rights to these sports.

Horizontal and Vertical Integration

Vertical integration is how much of a specific media sector a company controls for example the BBC has a tall vertical integration as it has the resources to produce a TV show from pre production all the way to post production and broadcasting. This is because they employ all the writers, producers and directors required to produce a show along with all the camera equipment and studios and also any editors and special effects artists required for any post production work they then also own all the equipment and broadcasting licenses required to broadcast the shows they produce.
In contrast to the BBC ILM also known as Industrial Light and Magic who work in the film sector have a very short vertical integration as they focus specifically on producing the special effects and post production work on films. This means that in order to gain revenue they must rely on film studios needing a company to produce there special effects and post production work. This is because ILM does not have the resources required to produce a full film as they only have the resources to do special effects and post production work meaning they have a short vertical integration.

Horizontal integration is where a company spans a wide range of media sectors such as, TV, Film, Web, Print, news, radio and Post production. an example of a company that does this is the BBC which produces and broadcasts TV shows such as Dr who on BBC 1. It also produces and broadcasts radio shows for their many radio stations such as Radio 1 and 2. I also produces web content through its website and its iplayer catch up service which were produced in house. In contrast to this you have companies such as Paramount Pictures which is a film studio who only focus on the film sector of the media industry which means the don't have a wide horizontal integration.

Case Study

A) NBCUniversal Media LLC are a Media conglomerate that is owned by General Electric and US Cable TV provider Comcast. Comcast aim to purchase General Electrics share in NBCUniversal by the end of March 2013. NBCUniversal is made up of many different companies including, Universal Pictures, NBC News, Working Title Films and the NBCUniversal Television group.

B) It works in the TV, News, Web and Film Media sectors.
IT works in these sectors though the various companies that it is made up of. For film it produces films Through Universal Studios Who do pre production, Production and post production, It also owns Illumination Entertainment and Working title films who deal with production of films, the more well known of the two production companies is working title films which has produced films such as, Senna, United 93, Green Zone and Paul. it distributes films though Universal Pictures and United International Pictures which is a joint venture between Universal Studios and Paramount Pictures. It also has its own Home entertainment distribution company called Universal Studios Home entertainment who distribute DVD, Blu-Ray Video Games for NBCUniversal content.
For TV it can broadcast programs though it TV channels such as yFy (which broadcasts Science Fiction Shows) and G4 (Which broadcasts shows on technology, gadgets and gaming such as Attack Of The Show, X-Play and TechTV Vault.), NBCNews (News updates), NBCSports (who broadcasts sporting events live such as the PGA Tour, Formula 1 and 13 of the 19 IndyCar Series races for this year.) and NBC (which broadcasts shows such as The Voice (US Version), The Tonight show with Jay Leno and Saturday Night Live.).

C) This means that NBCUniversal through the companies that it is made up of, spans a range of media sectors giving it a wide horizontal integration it also has a high vertical integration for its film and tv businesses, For example for film it can control everything from pre production it can control everything from pre production to distribution to theatres and then home distribution through, DVDs, Blurays and downloads. and for its tv business it controls everything from pre to post production and then the broadcast as well. Although for some of its sports content it does not control the whole process of the production and broadcasting as for their Formula 1 coverage they get the footage from the world video feed which is produced by the Formula 1 management who have a director choosing which sections of current action in a race to show, the only thing NBCUniversal will add are commentators and any pre or post race content they wish to add as all the onscreen graphics and video content of the race is controlled by FOM.

D) The company has produced many successful products in the many sectors it is involved in the film sector it has produced films such as Senna, Paul, Jaws, Back to The Future and Ted. These are just a few of the films that they have produced as they have produced many successful films. In TV it has produced successful products such as The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, which in the US is a popular TV chat show and they also produce the US version of The Office which is a popular comedy TV show.

E) Its competitors are companies such as Paramount Pictures, 20th Century Fox and Columbia Pictures. These compete with universal pictures as they produce and Distribute Films. In TV its competitors to MSNBC and NBC news are ABC News and CBS News who produce TV news channels and shows in the USA, for working title films their competitors are production companies such as Studio Canal in producing films. there competition in home entertainment distribution is 20th century fox home distribution who distribute DVDs and Blu rays.

F) NBCUniversal has a wide audience because it produces a wide range of programming for people on TV from technology shows on G4 to sports on NBCSports and news on NBCNews. Then it also covers a wide  audience with films like motor sports fans with Senna and younger audiences with films such as Ted.

G) For sports coverage their competitors for events like IndyCar with split coverage have an impact on the production of the commentaries and pre and post event programming. In the case of IndyCar they share the coverage with ABC and they must produce a show that is of a high quality that fulfills the audiences needs as when the contract for the new season is signed it will determine the amount of race that they are given to show in the contract for the next year. For films the customers are very important to the way they produce the films as they have to produce films that audiences will watch although they do have to make sure that they make films that will be better than the films that their competitors make this means they need to make quality films which will be successful.

H) Recently due to the increase in 3D films NBCUniversals film buissnesses have had to make changes in order to be able to produce quality 3D films as this can help generate more revenue. For its tv buissnesses it has had to switch to high definition equipment to help it to pro
duce High definition entertainment for people watching tv this is because there is a growing demand for high definition Television programming in the future this may also mean a switch to producing 2K or 4K programming as this seems like it could be the next big technology shift in Television viewing technology. 3D programming could also be a big Television technology shift but at the moment as some consumers see 3D television as a gimmick used to sell more TVs as they don't feel it adds much to the TV viewing experience.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

production diary - highland spring advert -26th february

For an assignment we have been asked to produce 2 30 second adverts for a bottled water company of our choice.
today we picked our two ideas for the bottled water advert.

 we also picked our bottled water company which is Highland Spring

The rest of the my production group and I are now currently working on pre production for the two adverts we have been asked to produce. currently i am working on finding locations and contacting the company. to tell them what we are doing.

Monday 11 February 2013

media ownership

private ownership
This is a company or organisation owned by a one individual or a small group of individuals privately owned companies sell advertising space to make money ‘commercial station’
They are Not owned by the government Shareholders decide on media/ actions
Company or shareholders The directors have to agree on any decisions about what the company does and they make decisions based on what they believe are the best interests of the company. They make money based on advertisements on there channels e.g. sky one sell advertisement spots to other companies.

The public can invest into it and they also sell commercial space to things like local businesses and family companies
Can also get individual contributors
Preston fm sell local commercial advertising space and has public investors.
Local news and events and interests and music
There are other ways they gain revenue

Psb  - public service broadcaster
The BBC is a public service broadcaster in Britain
It is not funded by adverts but instead by the TV license by the general public buying a TV licence they gain funding to enable them due to the funding to buy programmes to broadcast.
 They have to remain politically unbiased.
As everyone should have a TV license the BBC has to broadcast programmes to cater for everyone and are not programming for a specific audience unlike commercial broadcaster buy in popular programs to gain the most advertising revenue. If everyone stopped paying there TV license for a year they would go bust. This means they have to put out ‘quality’ programming to, meet the demands of its investors the general public. Public service broadcasters cannot legally be biased.

Multinational ownership
It is a company that is worldwide that every body knows.
e.g. sony – they own sony entertainment, sony pictures, sony music, radia internet  as individual companiesthey also own tristar pictures which is a production company
along with Columbia pictures and universal. They tend to be the producers and not broadcastors
they are funded by creating  media texts e.g. films, tv shows etc and then they sell those off to broadcasters around the world to show on tv 

an independent is not public government or corporate owned
commercial company – asda FM – McDonalds FM
or privately owned  e.g.
independent broadcast media is popular in America.
Content  for all broadcastors has to regulated by organisations like the fcc pegi or Ofcom.
In the uk we don’t get much privately owned media.
Youtube is a  form of independent media.

Conglomerate media ownership is when lots of little companies are grouped together to form one large company e.g. ITV plc. Which owns many different companies e.g. Anglia TV, Granada TV , GMTV, Thames valley, Carlton, etc.
The three biggest conglomerates are the Walt Disney company, time warner, and CBS
Disney ownes many companies including pixar and lucasfilm